Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Algae at the PC and what we are doing about it..

       This winter has not been kind to MiniVerde growers, or any bermudagrass greens with sunlight restrictions for that matter. You may have noticed that some of our greens have developed an algae/silt layer. This layer developed over the winter and actually served as an insulator for our turf. We are now beginning the process of removing the layer and exposing the turf underneath. Below are some pictures describing our process. 

Picture of the algae layer, prior to pressure washing.

Pressure washing the silt/algae layer off the turf.

Here you can see the turf that was underneath the algae layer. The algae actually insulated the turf. It also prevented the turf from receiving colorant.

Another shot of the pressure washing. You can see Ricardo shoveling the excess silt/algae into a bucket for removal.

Close up of the pressure washing interface. This photo clearly depicts the layer and how it was situated atop the turf. 

Close up of the finished product. This turf is now ready to receive sunlight and start producing carbohydrates.

Another finished product photo.

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