Thursday, February 27, 2014

Preparations for new greens at The Members Club

        We are in the beginning phases of preparing for new greens at The Members Club.  As you can imagine, it is a very exciting and special time for us.

         To start, we probed the edges of the greens searching for the original perimeters. We can tell by looking at the soil’s profile where the greens once began. Over the last 19 years, aggressive 419 bermudagrass rough has crept into the putting surfaces causing them to shrink. One of the advantages of MiniVerde (the new grass we will be using for the greens) is its ability to hold its ground against other aggressive grasses.
Once the original perimeters are found, they are marked with orange paint—as seen in accompanying photo. The collar is 30 inches beyond that, marked in white.

         Some of the reclaimed areas are rough-length and need to be scalped down to the proper height.  We will do this in stages, gradually reducing the mowing height overtime.  Stepping down the turf will make a smooth surface from the reclaimed areas to the existing green’s surface
         Stay tuned for future articles, photos and updates as we continue on.

Assistant Superintendent –Adam Perry

The orange line represents the reclaimed greens edge.  The white line represents the new collar. 

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