Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tee closing at the Players Club

       The white and black tees on the 12th hole at the Players Club will be closed for 2-3 weeks. These tees have been an increasing agronomic nuisance each season. Both tees struggle from lack of sunlight. The added stress from ryegrass competition only decreases the bermuda's chance for survival.
        The past few years we have seen some significant advancements in bermudagrass varieties. A particular variety 'Celebration', has tested extremely well under semi-shade conditions. We selected this variety to sod the black and white tees on number 12. Here are some pictures of the tees after sodding.

Black tee on #12 at the PC.

White tee on #12 at the PC.
        It will take approximately 14-21 days for the new turf to be playable. In the meantime, we will position the black tees in the front position on the gold tee box. The white and green tees will be positioned on the rear of the teal tee box. Thank you for your patience through this process.

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