Thursday, August 29, 2013

Routine Maintenance

        Sometimes small tasks can be overlooked, a hanging branch, crooked hazard stake or an empty ball washer are some examples of these. It is our job to be prepared for these "little things" as we travel the course. Here is an example of some of the small jobs that can be tackled during the morning setup routine. The vegetation has become overgrown near the cart path between #2 & 3 at the Reserve Club. On a normal day this would be overlooked or simply jotted down on a notepad, but not this day. Our Director of Agronomy was prepared on his morning plantation tour. He stopped, assessed and cleared the overgrowth. Half of the battle is having the right tools, and today he did.
        This is just a small example of the little things that happen plantation-wide every day. A candy bar wrapper, a replaced birdhouse or a broken bunker rake are the types of items we try to assess everyday. Sometimes we catch the "little things" and other times we may miss them. Simply paying attention to detail every morning goes a long way when your maintaining 100+ acres of property.

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