Friday, September 6, 2013

Do trees affect turf quality?

      Simply, the answer is yes. Trees and turf do not go well together. Turf needs sunlight and trees block sunlight. Turf needs air movement and trees limit air flow. Turf needs water and tree roots out compete any nearby turf for available water supply. These are just the three fundamental elements that contribute to turf decline when trees are present.
       A few weeks ago, all of the clubs were closed to verticut the fairways. We took advantage of the closure and scheduled to root prune the tree lines. We knew that tree roots were negatively effecting turf quality and our cart paths. The root pruning took a day and a half to complete and the results are beginning to show. Here are some photos of the results.

You can clearly see the difference in color. The left side is still competing with tree roots. The right side now has reduced competition.

Another picture of the results.

Close up of the mechanical scar left. It has been three weeks and it has nearly healed.

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