Saturday, June 9, 2012

PC Conversion Update 6/9/12

      The weather did not want to cooperate with us this week. We were still able to accomplish most of our goals despite the rain. Everything is still progressing as planned and we eagerly await the arrival of the MiniVerde sprigs on June 26th. Here is a rundown of last week's tasks and next week's goals.

Last Week 6/3-6/9

  • Applied our third herbicide spray to the perimeters of the green. Here is a description of that job.
  • Calibrated our 200 gallon sprayer for broad herbicide application.
  • Finalized dates and times for rental equipment and temporary labor.
  • Graded and prepped area for concrete sand storage pad. This sand is specifically designed for MiniVerde putting surfaces.
  • Rough graded nursery green area. The nursery green will be located near our maintenance facility.
  • Received and inventoried fertilizer and soil amendments for grown-in.
  • Collected soil samples from all nineteen greens. These samples were sent to North Carolina State University for analysis.

Next Week 6/10-6/16

  • Pour concrete pad for sand storage and set border wall blocks.
  • Finish grading and install irrigation for nursery green.
  • Monday/Wednesday: Spot spray bermudagrass encroachment on the interior of the green's with RoundUp herbicide.
  • Tuesday/Thursday: Spray out all putting green surfaces with RoundUp herbicide.
  • Scalp down reclaimed green surfaces around the perimeters of the greens.

      This week will be the last week for golf at the Players Club until August 13th. We will be taking aggressive actions this week to ensure a successful conversion. We will not be mowing the greens this week. Mowing will be eliminated to provide maximum leaf surface for herbicide uptake. We will roll daily as a substitute for mowing.  The herbicide application on the greens will cause a slight discoloration. This will be noticeable next weekend. Playability will not be affected.
      Remember to keep checking this blog for updates on the conversion. Please feel free to leave comments or questions.

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