Saturday, June 2, 2012

PC Conversion Update 6/2/12

      We had a holiday, two tournaments and a tropical storm this past week. However, we were still able to accomplish our goals. Here is a brief rundown of the week past and a look forward to next week at the Players Club.

Last Week 5/27-6/2

  • Continued our work of sprinkler adjustment and replacement
  • Applied our first application of herbicide to the perimeters of the greens. Our target was the bermudagrass encroachment around the green edges. This application was applied on May 29.
  • Made a follow-up herbicide application on the reclaimed green edges. Here is an article explaining what to expect from these applications.

Next Week 6/3-6/9

  • Make another herbicide application to the green edges. Check this link out for a summary of what you can expect from these applications.
  • Calibrate our 200 gallon boom sprayers for the major application to all of the green surfaces. We will be using an old green's sprayer for this application. We are scheduled to spray the greens the week of June 10-16.
  • Finalize dates and times for rental equipment and additional labor. The equipment will be used to level the collars. Here is a video of that process.
  • Pour concrete pad for sand storage. This sand is specifically designed for MiniVerde. We need to separate this sand from our traditional topdressing sand.
  • Order greens sand mix for the nursery green. Have it delivered to the nursery site, grade it and get it tamped in for sprig arrival on June 26th.

      Another week and another set of goals. Each week brings us one step closer to the arrival of the MiniVerde sprigs on June 26th. Preparation and planning is just as crucial to our success as planting and watering. We will continue to communicate our progress throughout the conversion on this blog. Make sure to follow along and feel free comment if you would like to learn more.

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