Friday, July 4, 2014

Last Week 6/30/14 through 7/4/14

  • The Irwin front greens were mowed several times at a height lower than the previous week. We will continue to lower the mowers as we go forward.
  • We experimented by aerifying one of the greens. Sometimes it is hard to predict how the new sprigs will react. Fortunately, the experiment went very well. We may aerify the rest of the greens on the front next week.
  • After mowing, we topdressed all the greens with a light layer of sand and then fertilized them with 21-0-0 (Ammonium Sulfate)
  • Edged cart paths on the Irwin front
Next Week

  • Continue to lower the height on the new greens.
  • Reposition and/or install several heads in select areas around the Irwin front greens for better irrigation coverage.
  • Fertilize weak areas of turf on the Cate and Back.
Antonio mowing Irwin #6 Green
Day 28

Closeup of Sprigs
Day 28

Hurricane Authur gave us her best shot! We're still standing ... with the exception of a few trees!
Tree down from Hurricane Authur

Is there a cart path under there?
Aftermath from Hurricane Authur

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