Friday, June 27, 2014


It's easy to see how much they've grown in three weeks!

Day 21
Irwin #6 Green

Day 17
Irwin #6 Green

Day 1
Irwin #6 Green

Day 21
Sprig Closeup

Day 17
Sprig Closeup

Last Week 6/23/14-6/28/16
  • We mowed the new greens two times this week. Once on Monday and again on Thursday. The first two cuts were at (.200"). Our plans are to incrementally lower the mowers until we reach our desired mowing heigth. With the growth we are getting, we'll be mowing everyday in no time!
  • To continue growth and lateral coverage, the greens were fertilized twice and watered throughout the day.
  • After our Monday mowing, we topdressed the greens with a sand/peat blend. Then dragged in the mix with a brush. The topdressing will help fill the voids and smooth the surface.

Next Week 6/30/14-7/4/14
  • Continue to mow, fertilize and topdress the greens.
  • Re-level and sod forward tee on Irwin #5 and middle tee on Irwin #8 (Photos next week)
  • Slice and spike thin area in the fairways and tees. Also hit with fertilizer for quick coverage.

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