Thursday, May 8, 2014

Seaside Opening

     The new tennis facility at Seaside plans to open next weekend. In light of the opening, the agronomy team decided to provide a peek at whats happening now. Terry Gottshalk's landscape team and some outside contractors has been working diligently to ensure we are perfect on opening day. Here are some photos taken on Tuesday, May 6th. They were in the process of installing concrete walkways, irrigation and landscaping. Although there is still work to be done, we are confident in opening up next weekend.
Distant photo of the Center courts. You can see the walkways being completed.

Court #3 with a small set of bleachers. 

Tennis lesson and practice area.

The bleachers next to the Center courts.

Close-up shot of the Center courts.

Installing irrigation.

Some completed walkways and landscape areas surrounding the courts

Midway road side of Seaside. Still a fair amount of work to be done.

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