Wednesday, April 23, 2014

      The rain events of last week have definitely brought out the worst in our course drainage. Standing water on the cart paths and in the bunkers show us where we need to improve. We started a full course plan to repair the standing water on the cart paths and we have corrected the drainage in the greenside bunker on #5 at the Players Club. Here are some photos detailing the completed work and the work in progress.

Picture of standing water along the cart path.

We strip the sod away and regrade the slope towards a nearby catch basin.

The completed product. We relaid the existing sod over the new grade. 

Here's the greenside bunker on #5 at the Players. After any significant rainfall this is our result.

We located the existing drain at the bunker edge and attached a new outlet line. We dug a small trench to the nearby pond, shown in the picture above. 

Photo of our work at the halfway point.

The new outlet into the pond. We surrounded the outlet with rock to provide structure and keep pests away.

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