Monday, December 23, 2013

St. James Agronomy Year in Review

       This past season was a great year for the agronomy team at St. James. We started with a mild winter, had a comfortable summer and concluded with a hurricane free autumn. The moderate, somewhat predictable weather allowed us to maintain our maintenance schedule and accomplish a majority of the goals we set for 2013. Here is a rundown of some of the improvements we made.

·         Tree Removal (All four courses).
·         Root pruning (All four courses).
·         Leveling tees (Members, Founders, and Reserve).
·         Completed irrigation conversion (Founders).
·         Improved irrigation communication system (Players).
·         Cart path repairs (All four courses).
·         Verticut fairways (All four courses).
·         Multiple drainage improvements, minor and major (All four courses).
·         Terry Gottshalk built and managed a garden, which supplies produce for The Club’s.
·         Bunker repair and restoration (All four courses).
·         Developed new maintenance traffic patterns (All four courses).
·         Reshaped and realigned tee boxes (All four courses).

       This list is just some of the major projects from last year. These tasks, along with our routine maintenance made for a busy season in 2013, and our 2014 looks no different. The Members Club green renovation will be our largest project next year, but we still intend to continue to improve the other facilities. Be sure to follow along with all the maintenance activities next year on the turf blog.

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