Friday, December 13, 2013

Bunker Repair

       The front green side bunker on #15 at the Players Club has slowly eroded of the past few seasons. The erosion has negatively affected playability and created a maintenance nightmare. This week we removed the sand and misplaced gravel and refilled the bunker with new, higher quality sand. Here are some pictures of our work.

Here is a picture of the stones that are hit out of the bunker onto the green. Everyday we have to blow the stones before we can mow the green. This adds unnecessary maintenance time and creates poor putting surface quality.

Here is a slightly better picture of the stones on the turf.

The first step was to remove all of the existing sand from the bunker. The picture shows the sub layer of sand just above the drainage tiles.

Here is a photo of the bunker face after sand removal.

The finished product.
       This project took three days and 100 man hours to complete. We intend to repair the green side bunker on #17 next. We understand these bunkers are difficult to play from and we appreciate your patience while we work to restore them.

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