Thursday, November 14, 2013

Winter projects

       Since winter decided to come a little early this year we have been able to get a jump start on some off-season projects. A few projects that never seem to go away are the leveling of sprinklers and drain inlets. This hardware is located all over the property and often times comes into play. This makes the leveling task hard to accomplish in the middle of the busy summer.
       The first drain that we addressed was located in the small fairway on #16. We extended this drain two years ago, however it has since sunk another six inches. This causes an unsightly and unplayable depression in the fairway and forces unnecessary wear and tear on our equipment. The pictures below shows what we did and how we've adopted a sleeker method to extend the life of the new extension.

Former grading with new drain extension.

Drain inside larger "form" pipe for gravel channel installation.

Added soil for leveling surrounding grade and securing our gravel channel.

Close-up of gravel channel after we removed our 10" channel form.

Drain extension and leveled grade.

Finished product.

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