Friday, November 22, 2013

Carolina's Trade Show 2013

       November is the time of year when the air begins to cool, the turf is entering dormancy and winter projects are beginning.  It is also the time of year for the Carolina's Golf Course Superintendents Conference and Trade Show. This year's conference took place from Monday through Wednesday of this week. It is held at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center every season. This event is the second largest of its kind and only the GCSAA national show exceeds it.

         All of the Superintendents and Assistants attend the Conference and Trade show every year. We attend classes on Monday afternoon's and all day on Tuesday, followed by the trade show Tuesday evening. The classes that are offered range in topics from setting up the golf course to managing pests. This years list of classes is below:

  • Three perspectives on Ultradwarf Bermudagrass
  • Demystifying Turfgrass Pathology
  • Advanced Weed Management
  • Plant Growth Regulators for Fine Turf
  • Event Management and Golf Course Preparation
  • Managing Turfgrass Root Systems in Southern /Transition Zones
  • Winter Management of Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Putting Greens
  • New Products for Annual Bluegrass Control
  • Insect Control in Tropical & Semi-Tropical Environments
  • Using Wetting Agents on the Golf Course
  • Aquatic Plant Management for Golf Course
  • Irrigation Water Quality
  • Fertility Management 
        The classes are each three and a half hours long and are presented by speakers from all over the world and from all facets of golf course management. Some of the presenters included:
  • Fred Yelverton, PhD, NC State University
  • Tim Moraghan, Principle, Aspire Golf Consulting
  • Keith Karnok, PhD, University of Georgia
  • Bruce Williams, President, Williams Golf Consulting
  • Tony Mancuso, Director of Operations, Cherokee Town and Country Club
  • Dick Schulz, Owner, The Oaks Course
  • Mike Goatley, PhD, Virginia Tech University
  • Bert McCarty, PhD, Clemson University
  • Robert N. Carrow, PhD, University of Georgia
  • Grady Miller, PhD, NC State University
  • Douglas Karcher, PhD, University of Arkansas
  • Bruce Martin, PhD, Clemson University
  • Patrick O'Brien, Director, USGA Green Section
  • Chris Hartwiger, Agronomist, USGA Green Section
  • Shawn Askew, PhD, Virginia Tech University
  • Rick Brandenburg, PhD, NC State University
  • Chris Carson, GCS, Echo Lake Country Club, New Jersey
       We had thirteen people at the event and we were able to cover most of the classes. We typically split up to get the most bang for our buck. We are also able to ensure pesticide re-certification with the credits offered at each event. Overall, the conference recaps of what has transpired through the season, updates us on new products and serves as a refresher on some things we may have forgotten since college.

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