Saturday, May 26, 2012

PC Conversion Update 5/25/12

     Another week has past and we are one more week closer to the official green's conversion at the Players Club. This past week we were able to accomplish most of our goals. Below is a brief summary of our accomplishments and goals.

Last Week 5/20-5/26

  • We completed our drain relocation project.   Here is a brief description of that job. 
  • We have continued to mow the reclaimed edges down to (.180"). We have decided to remain at that level. Studies have shown that leaving substantial leaf tissue aids in the uptake of certain herbicides like Round-Up. Therefore we will not be reducing these heights anymore.
  • Began checking green's complex sprinkler heads for proper rotation. This is routinely done 3-4 times a year. Checking the green's irrigation before the conversion project is crucial to our success.
  • Started construction of the nursery green. We have begun to soften the edges of the soil surrounding the proposed green as well as removed tree stumps and root systems that may interfere with our new green.

Next Week 5/27-6/2

      This week plans to be our biggest week so far concerning the conversion. We plan to make our first application of herbicide to eradicate the existing turf. We will also continue our unfinished projects from week's past
  • Finish checking and adjusting all green side irrigation heads. The Players Club has more than 150 sprinkler heads around the greens on the course. This project can be time consuming.
  • Make our first application of Round-Up to the greens. This application will be made with a hand gun sprayer. Our target is the bermudagrass encroachment on the green perimeter. This application will span the outer perimeter of the green. Results will be noticeable in seven to ten days. We will be closed at 1:00 PM on Tuesday May 29th after LGA.

      Although it may seem that this week's goals are few, both projects will consume a lot of time. The upcoming week of golf also limits the amount of work that can be performed. LGA-Tuesday, CGA-Wednesday and MGA-Thursday provide for a busy golf week. Trying to mow grass and setup the golf course will be a task in itself. Remember to keep checking the blog for updates weekly.

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