Saturday, May 19, 2012

PC Conversion Update 5/19/12

      Starting today I am beginning a weekly write-up of the progress of the Players Club greens conversion. The subject matter will keep you up to date on how the greens conversion is moving along. The content will include: The past week's work, the next week's forecast, pictures, video and a few miscellaneous items. These entries should answer most of your questions on what is exactly happening at The Players Club. You should expect updates every Saturday morning.

Last Week 5/13-5/19

      This past week we have unofficially, officially begun our greens conversion. What I mean is we have started taken steps towards preparation for the new surfaces. Here is a brief overview of our progress.
  • Finished our official marking of the reclaimed putting surface. These are the orange dots surrounding the greens.
  • Began moving the clean out drains to six feet outside the original putting green edge.
  • Performed a trial spray on the perimeter of the greens. This trial was completed with water only. This practice run helped us dial in the exact calibration for our official application.
  • Started mowing the reclaimed putting surface to (.180"). This height will gradually decrease until it reaches our green's height of (.120"). 
  • Ordered necessary fertilizer and pest products for the first half of the "actual conversion".
  • Used GPS to measure our original green's size. This measurement was sent to Modern Turf. Modern Turf will utilize this information when distributing the sprigs to each green.

Next Week 5/20-5/26

      Next week will be a lot of the same. We will continue on last week's progress and attempt to further prepare ourselves for conversion. Here are a few items we would like to see completed.
  • Continue to step down our reclaimed perimeters turf height. Ideally we will reach (.150") by weeks end.
  • Check all green side sprinkler heads for coverage and proper function.
  • Continue to move clean out drains away from the proposed green's edges.
  • Begin construction of our nursery green. This green will be located near our maintenance facility.
  • Coordinate plans for our new sand storage bin at the maintenance building. The sand that we will be storing there is specially designed for Mini Verde putting surfaces.

      Make sure you keep checking this blog every Saturday morning for updates. You can also subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter (@stjamesturf). The write-ups will get more detailed and informative as we approach June. If you should have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.


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