Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sharpening Our Minds

     The turf industry is like most industries in our world these days, it is constantly evolving.  It seems like there are always new products, or new methods being implemented on golf courses around the world.  That is why we here at St. James use organizations such as GCSAA, The Carolina's GCSA, and our local chapter The Cape Fear GCSA to stay up on the newest information and technology in our industry.  Being involved in these organizations allow us to learn about new products and methods by attending seminars as well as simply networking with other turf professionals throughout the country and locally. 
     This week, Matt Knisely, an assistant superintendent at The Reserve, was featured on The Carolina's GCSA website.  You can view his profile here  By allowing The Carolina's GCSA to use his profile, Matt is making an effort to put his name and interests out in the industry so that people can connect with him more readily. 
     The use of professional turf organizations is one great tool that we use to achieve our goal of giving our members the best possible playing conditions on a daily basis on all four of our courses here at St James Plantation. 

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