Thursday, May 22, 2014

Curfew, a Q&A

       The month of May is the time of year when the nematode populations begin to rise. This is the time of year when we want to curb the increasing numbers. The product we chose to apply this season is Curfew, a soil fumigant. We have or are applying Curfew to the rough at the Founders, Reserve and Members and to the greens at the Players Club.
       Curfew is to be applied by a certified applicator. We contract our application through Harrell's LLC. Before they arrive, we receive a prep kit detailing the application process. Within the kit is a brief Q&A for us to review and better inform our membership about the proper Curfew procedures. Below is a brief version of the Q&A.

What is the smell?

       The smell is the active ingredient in Curfew. It normally goes away shortly after application. The entire product dissipates within 24-48 hours.

What is a soil fumigant?

       A chemical that is injected as a liquid below the soil surface. The liquid then volatilizes and moves through the soil to kill the target nematodes.

How does Curfew work?

       As Curfew volatilizes, it creates a zone of protection around turf roots. When a nematode comes into contact with Curfew, it absorbs a lethal dose and dies.

Can Curfew be a risk to humans?

       Yes. If used incorrectly, prolonged exposure to the gas or liquid can cause health problems. The application method is designed to keep Curfew in the soil. This keeps the gas from coming into contact with people or pets. This is why only specially trained applicators, who take specific precautions to limit exposure, are allowed to make the application.

When is it safe to return to the treated area?

       You can return to the treated areas 24 hours after application. At this time, most of the active ingredient has dissipated.

Where can I find additional information?

      Dow AgroSciences can provide you with additional information about Curfew. You can contact via phone at (800)-255-3726 or visit

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