Saturday, July 13, 2013

Verticutting at Reserve Club

Vertical mowing, often referred to as "verticutting," slices the turf with numerous thin blades.

     Matt Knisley - Assistant Superintendent - verticutting #1 fairway at Reserve Club. It is a practice commonly used to remove thatch and encourage growth. Thatch removal is one key to a successful overseeding. In about two months, we will begin sowing ryegrass seeds into the fairways and tees. With less thatch to contend with, the seeds will have an easier time finding the soil.

      This is the same fairway a day later, after cleanup. Expect to see some obvious lines from the mowers for a few days. Within a week the lines should disappear, but the benefits will be long lasting. Don't be surprised if you hit some of your longest drives on verticut fairways. They should be firm and fast for a few weeks - barring we don't get a lot of rain!

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