Thursday, May 16, 2013

PC - Closed Day Irrigation Addition

      On Tuesday, the Players Club was closed to perform maintenance on the course. We target aerified a few greens and topdressed all the greens. We were also able to address an irrigation coverage issue on the thirteenth fairway.
       The picture below illustrates the area on the fairway that we are describing. This section of the fairway has been difficult to manage because of the poor irrigation coverage.

Blue dots are the existing sprinklers. Brown polygon is the trouble area. The yellow circle is the new sprinkler location.
       The picture shows the area that becomes increasingly dry throughout the summer. This section wilts rapidly in the summer and has developed unsightly fairy ring disease due to the poor irrigation coverage.
       Typically, double row irrigation lines run parallel to each other throughout the length of the hole. In this instance you can see that the bunker disrupts the symmetry between the irrigation rows. This slight change in routing reduces the amount of overlap between sprinklers in the center of the fairway. The reduction in overlapping results in less than desirable coverage in irrigation, which is displayed through poor turf quality inside the brown area shown above.
        On Tuesday, we added a sprinkler head to the fairway (yellow circle). This sprinkler will help ensure proper coverage where the original design failed. It took roughly three hours to install the sprinkler and back fill the trench. As of now the sprinkler is functioning and we should notice an improvement to the fairway  from this point forward.

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