Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Drainage projects at the Founders Club

      A few weeks ago we listed our winter project agenda. This past week we were able to begin complete some of these items. We repaired the drainage on #2 and #17 at The Founders Club. Here is a brief summary of the job.
      The areas that need repair are the same spots that we have worked on in the past. The existing drainage is composed of perforated pipe surrounded by gravel, also referred to as a "french drain". The idea is for the water to drain through the soil, into the gravel and then out thru the drain. Overtime, the gravel becomes compromised with silt and sand. The silt fills the pores in the gravel and inhibits the water from reaching the drain pipe. This causes the surrounding areas to stay wet and soft, thus leaving the turf susceptible to mower and cart damage.
      We start the projects by stripping the existing sod. Then we dig a cavity around the inlet pipe and drill holes in the pipe to repair the damaged perforations and increase water infiltration. The next step is to fill the hole surrounding the pipe with new, clean gravel.  In both instances, #2 and 17, we raised the surrounding grade with soil and added a riser to the inlet. After the subgrade was complete, we resodded with the sod we removed earlier. Here are some pictures of the project and the finished job. 

Founders #17 - Backfilling the subgrade

Founders 17 - Completed project

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