Tuesday, July 10, 2012

PC Update - Collars

      We have fielded a few questions over the past week regarding the collars. I am going to address those concerns here today.
      The area in question is between the new putting surface and the remaining collar turf. Here is a picture of how they appear now.

      In the picture you see that we sprayed our roundup 16-20" outside of our proposed green surface. This was not by accident. We sprayed outside the green to provide a buffer for the MiniVerde during grow-in. Our collar turf, 419 bermudagrass, is extremely aggressive. The buffer provides the MiniVerde time to establish without the risk of 419 bermudagrass invasion.
      Next week we plan to re sod the collars. The edges of the green's have matured enough to reduce the risk of encroachment. We will begin by removing our buffer zone. We will cut this out and reuse the waste on other areas of the course, (i.e. cart path edges, low spots). Next we will add new soil where needed throughout the void. Finally, we will lay the sod and level. We will start this project next week and hope to be finished by week's end. We will provide a detailed summary of exactly how we completed this task on the blog next week.

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