Wednesday, March 7, 2012


  Why is top-dressing important?  How does it work?  What are proper top-dressing procedures?  Are there any real major advantages to today’s golfer and golf course superintendent?  These are all valid questions that will be addressed regarding the subject of top-dressing.

  Top-dressing greens has many more dimensions than simply “to smooth the surface.”
Some amazing advantages also await when initiating a solid top-dressing program.  To scratch the surface, here are a few of those advantages.

-Tighter, Finer-Textured Turf:  With proper top-dressing techniques, the fresh soil material encourages new growth of grass shoots and stems, resulting in a dense, fine bladed turf.

-Thatch Control:  Top-dressing decreases thatch accumulation.  It encourages new microbiological activity, which in turn breaks down thatch and converts it into soil humus.

-Better Water and Fertilizer Infiltration:  With less amounts of thatch impeding the surface, the passages for air, water, and fertilizer are enhanced.  Which in return creates better overall infiltration to the root zone?

-Reduces Compaction:  On heavily played greens, this point is of particular importance.  The top-dressing material physically supports the grass plant and helps it to absorb compaction forces such as foot traffic and maintenance equipment.

-Grain Is Checked:  Whether dealing with Bentgrass, Bermudagrass, or even Poa Annua, certain strains tend to be more vigorous, thus making the plant more inclined to lie down.
Top-dressing will encourage more of an upright growth pattern.

  The success of any top-dressing program depends on how well it is carried out.  The question of “how much top-dressing and how often” is usually always open for discussion.  With today’s high tech machinery and techniques, a program of light but frequent applications is recommended and important.

When implementing a top-dressing program, some key ingredients to consider are as follows:

-Sand Selection
-Particle Size
-Equipment Available
-Time of Year

  In summary, a successful top-dressing program may be considered by some as expensive and labor consuming.  It definitely requires advanced planning and organization.  Although short term benefits are sometimes almost invisible, its long term benefits are undeniable!

Matt Knisely


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